Earlier this year, WhatsApp announced that it had a user base of more than one billion; that is, one in seven people on earth.
People all
over the world have been using WhatsApp for numerous purposes. The
popular messaging app, since then has added a host of new features with
improved speed, security, reliability and simplicity. With such a huge
user base, it is one of the most popular messaging apps.
WhatsApp has
also just added a video-calling feature to the app after a series of
beta tests. A rise in the app called Snapchat and its Stories feature,
from Instagram to Facebook, and now even WhatsApp has tried to clone it.
In the new WhatsApp’s Beta app on iOS and Android, there is a new
‘Status’ tab where the ‘Stories’ can be put and seen before it
disappears 24 hours later. The new ‘Stories’ feature is only available
to a select few who operate on a jailbroken Apple device or a rooted
Android smartphone.
messaging app just updated its messaging app on iOS and has made it
possible for users to send and receive GIFs. Though a bit late to the
game, it actually does a little more than just supporting animations.
Users can send GIFs stored in the device memory as well as search
Giphy’s large library and find animations to make your chats
All these
new features to stay relevant in the ever-changing tech world have made
WhatsApp even more popular. The company earlier announced that it
manages over 100 million voice calls every day on the app, that makes it
more than 1,100 calls per second. It has even upgraded the desktop
versions of the app. Here are five latest features that you can try out
in WhatsApp:
1. Video calling
just confirmed that it is rolling out the video calling feature across
Android, iOS and Windows. You will now be able to see ‘Video Call’ and
‘Voice Call’ choices when you tap the top dialler button. A new dialog
giving the option between a standard voice call and a video call will
2. GIFs
messaging app has rolled out support for GIFs support for iOS users with
the latest version of the app. The 2.16.16 update allows you to send
videos (six seconds or shorter) and Live Photos and GIFs. You can search
the Giphy library to search for GIFs to send to your friends on your
3. Tag
You can now
tag others in the contacts within a WhatsApp group. You will be able to
do the tag even if the people have muted the conversation. You can avail
this feature by typing @ and click on the contact you wish to tag from
the appearing list.
4. Picture edit
In the new
update of WhatsApp, you can doodle on as well as edit on the photos
before sending them to your friends. When the conversation tab is
opened, you can tap on the camera button and click on the image from the
camera. You will get a few icons on the top right, and you can choose
to either crop the photo, draw a doodle, enter a text or a sticker to
the photo. Then the picture message is ready to be sent.
5. Most viewed
There is an
interesting feature in WhatsApp, although sadly it is only available to
Apple devices as of now. Android owners may have to wait for a while. If
you have iOS, you can go to ‘Settings’ and then select ‘Account’ and
then ‘Storage Usage’. There, you will be able to see the total number of
messages at the top of the page and also a list of chats, which are
ranked according to the number of messages sent to the number. This
helps you see who is your ‘best friend’, as in, to which contact have
you spoken the maximum number of lines.
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